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How to create an Active Directory OU's, Group's and Users from a CSV file with Powershell​


Updated: Feb 7, 2021

Reddit User Priestx (reddit post) is requesting help to create 3 OU with a group in each OU, and a user in each group.

Pre requirements:

Active Directory Powershell module

Permissions to manage Active Directory

Let's start off by playing around with the CSV file and ForEach loops.


Lets say your CSV files looks like this in Excel


Same file but open with Notepad


I saved the file on my desktop on a test VM, I then use the Import-CSV command to added it to the $CSVFile variable


Let's call the $CSVFile variable and see what we get.


In the CSV file we have 3 Headers:


We can call each of the values by





Let's now play around with ForEach

You can use ForEach-Object or ForEach


Let's create a ForEach Loop for each of the values.

Again you can use ForEach-Object or ForEach to get the same results


Now that we got our CSV imported and had sometime to play with the ForEach loop lets use powershell to create a new OU.

First Import the Active Directory Powershell module


Let's test out the commandNew-ADOrganizationalUnit and create a test OU.


Look's like the command worked


Let's also try out the Get-ADOrganizationalUnit and find our new OU.


I ran the New-ADGroup command to create the group

It looks like by default the group was created in the Users OU


I ran the New-ADUser command to create the user

It looks like by default the group was created in the Users OU


Ok lets put everything together.

After playing around with the commands here is the final script.


Run Script as a .ps1

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